Your mind is like an iceberg: the conscious mind (the part of you that thinks and reasons) is above the water line and the subconscious mind (5/6) is below the water line.

Which do you suppose is the more powerful?

Our thoughts and beliefs create our feelings/emotions (all below the water line) and our feelings determine our actions (above the surface) and our actions create our results.

Your subconscious mind is your personal operating system, stores beliefs, memories and habits, cannot tell the truth from a lie, cannot tell real from imagined, believes as totally true every picture you send it, stores all of your memories and operates in the present tense.

No person or circumstance can cause you to think thoughts or ideas you do not choose.

The “thoughts” you choose eventually determine the results in your life. Choose to have only thoughts that support you. Focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Become an “inverse paranoid”: believe that the universe is out to do you good.

“Change your thoughts and change your life.” –Norman Vincent Peale