Career Management & Career Transition Coaching

“It’s choice-not chance-that determines your destiny.”
–Jean Nidetch

Katherine Bock Consulting Career Management and Career Transition Coaching helps you:

  • Discover a sense of purpose and direction
  • Align with your unique talents, values & motivations: become who you really are
  • Create a step-by-step action plan to take you to the next level or a different career
  • Katherine personally partners with you to co-create a plan that keeps you focused and moving forward to create more success, balance and meaning in your life. Remember, life is not a dress rehearsal.

Some of Katherine Bock Consulting’s successful engagements include:

  • Coaching the General Counsel of an insurance company who gained awareness of his “real” values and who was then able to create and maintain boundaries which increased his effectiveness and happiness.
  • Coaching the President of a financial services organization to declare what she wanted and what she could do for the organization which allowed her to operate from a position of power.
  • Supporting a senior IT consultant in getting clarity around what was important to her in career and then helped her create a transition strategy.
  • Coaching a senior IT executive to improve his communication, time management and team leadership skills.
  • Coaching a senior compensation consultant in the Department of Defense in her transition to the private sector.
  • Coaching a director-level HR executive at a major airline to create an intentional career management strategy.

Why choose Katherine as your coach?


Extensive Experience with Career Transitions

Katherine has worked with more than 1,000 people over the past six years to help them get clarity around what they want in a career and life, and then creating an action plan to achieve extraordinary results in their lives.

Proven Track Record of Innovative Success Strategies

Katherine career has included working as a lawyer, business leader and now a career management and executive coach, which is her calling and passion. She is passionate and excited to be able to support others in living the life of their dreams and finding fulfillment and meaning in their careers. Her vocation is her vacation.

Results Focused Coaching

Katherine helps clients get clear on what they want, create a plan that leverages their unique
strengths, and take the required action to achieve what matters most to them.

Real World Business Experience

Katherine has over 15 years of “in-the-trenches” operational business experience at the executive level, building high performing teams to achieve bottom line results in times of rapid change and chaos. She has reinvented herself several times and can show you how to do the same.

Fully Trained and Credentialed

Katherine is an ICF Professional Certified Coach & graduate of the University of Texas at Dallas’ highly acclaimed Graduate Executive & Professional Coaching Program. Katherine is also a Birkman Method® Certified Consultant, Winslow Report© Certified Consultant and Core Clarity® Certified Consultant. She is a protege of Jack Canfield, America’s premier success coach, and integrates his success principles into every aspect of her coaching. Katherine has attended Level One Coach Training Program for The Sedona Method.

Success Stories & Testimonials

“Katherine’s individualized approach helped me target key areas to maximize my performance. She helped me identify short and long term goals and develop action plans for getting there. More importantly, she helped me dream bigger and encouraged me to find the courage to get there. I continue to recommend Katherine to senior leaders who are interested in reaching their full potential.”
–Elizabeth Bryant, Southwest Airlines

“Katherine asked powerful questions to support me in clarifying what is most important to me in my career and life. The assessments helped me gain clarity about my strengths and motivators and provided a direction and focus for my career transition. All of this helped me in making the choices that were right for me both professionally and personally.”
–Carrie, CEO of San Francisco-area non-profit

“Katherine’s coaching had a direct and valuable impact on reaching a balance between my professional life and family life. Her insight and sharp observations helped me to identify viable and specific alternative to striking the best possible outcome. The result has been an excellent balance between meeting the challenges and demands placed upon me as an executive officer and the ability to now more fully carry out my role as a husband and father in a much more meaningful way.”
–David Synder, General Counsel/Corporate Attorney

“I found the job of my dreams! I couldn’t have done it without your assistance. So many people commented on what a good resume and cover letter I had. Your coaching was very beneficial in my search for a new job.”
–Marla J., commercial real estate professional