Last week, one of my coaching clients (let’s call her Lucy) shared that she had renewed energy and commitment to achieving her goals.
She attributed the burst of energy to cleaning out her closets, giving away “stuff” that she no longer used, and cleaning and clearing space in her garage.
Part of the impetus for the action was her desire to put closure to a former relationship that no longer served her.
I thought of the song from South Pacific “I’m going to wash that man right out of my hair!” when she shared her story with me.
You can’t move toward the future when you’re holding on to the past. That means psychologically, as well as physically. If you want a new man in your life, you’ve got to let go of the last one you stopped dating five years ago.
Because if a new man comes up to meet you, the unspoken message he senses is: “This lady’s attached to somebody. She hasn’t let go.”
Another client of mine wasn’t able to take action to find a job that brought her joy until she made the decision to stop focusing her efforts on her last endeavor.
Just making the decision that she wanted something different in her life gave her renewed energy, increased her motivation and creativity that she’s now channeling in her career transition.
Yet, another client needed to clean out old files (both physical and mental) when he left one job before he could focus on his job search. We all need to create the necessary space in our lives and minds by cleaning and clearing out the old “stuff”.
A high quality life, an authentic life, has a lot more to do with what you remove from your life than what you add to it. Stay tuned for more tips on letting go of “stuff” in future posts.
What do you need to let go of or clear out so something or someone new can come into your life that will bring you joy?
“To attain knowledge, add things every day. To attain wisdom, remove things every day.” –Lao Tzu
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